Project: 352/2023
Title: Towards translocation: the Tasmanian Orchid Conservation and Research Program
Applicant: Dr Magali Wright
Institution: Landscape Recovery Foundation
This project will support the development of the first translocation program for threatened Tasmanian orchid species, through ex situ conservation of a suite of threatened orchids from the Tasmanian Midlands. Due to small population sizes, a sustained collection effort over multiple seasons and the establishment of seed orchards is required to obtain adequate source material to propagate plants for translocation and avoid impacts on wild sites. In addition, there have been difficulties in collection of compatible mycorrhizal isolates from threatened leek orchids (Paraprasophyllum spp.) from the Midlands and investigation of alternate fungal collection methods will be undertaken. The target species for this project are:
- Caladenia anthracina,
- Paraprasophyllum olidum,
- P. incorrectum,
- P. taphanyx,
- P. tunbridgense, and
- Pterostylis commutata.
This project will facilitate on-going support to land managers ensuring land management practices allow for on-site seed dispersal of target species, through site-specific advice and installation of plant protection structures. It will also continue a community communications campaign focused on ethical photography.