“A Foundation of Orchids” Workshop 2010
Reprinted 2017
A complete and extensive publication of lectures presented by eminent orchid growers at the ‘A Foundation in Orchids’ Workshop 2010 held at Holmesglen Conference Centre during May 2010.
Various topics include purchasing plants on eBay, deflasking, tissue culture, media, controlling pests and diseases and also including advice on how to purchase and grow genera such as Sarcochilus, Cattleya, Paphiopedilum, Cymbidium, Australian terrestrials and cool growing Australian native epiphytic orchids.
Authors include Helen Richards, Deborah Dillon-Townes, Neville Roper, Kevin Western, Ken Siew, Kevin Hipkins, David Cannon, Wal Rhodes, John Martin, Andrew Francis, Bill Miles, David Wain, Ray Clement, Stephen Stebbing and Nette Meggetto.
A4 Softcover 71 pages