Bush Gems: A Guide to the Wild Orchids of Victoria, Australia
Backhouse, G., Kosky, B., Rouse, D., Turner, J. 2016
This is an EBook publication on the wild orchids of the Australian State of Victoria and covers the 400 species of orchids currently recorded as occurring there. The work is 855 pages long (landscape format) and is illustrated with over 7,000 photo-graphs. Every species is featured with descriptive text and a distribution map and for almost all species there are multiple photographs showing whole plants, flowers and labellum details. This work represents the most comprehensive treatment of the rich temperate terrestrial orchid flora of Victoria (complemented by a small number of epiphytes) ever undertaken.
This extensive work is published as an EBook – a PDF file with high quality photographs and featuring hundreds of links throughout the document to enable quick and easy navigation through the book.
This EBook is available as a professionally produced DVD-ROM with pressed label in a crystal case with cover insert.