Cultivation of Australian Native Orchids (Second Edition)
Richards, Helen., Wootton, Rick., and Datodi, Rick. 1988
Published by the Australian Native Orchid Society Victorian Group Inc.
If the members of the Australian Native Orchid Society Victorian Group Inc. can’t tell you how to grow Australian native Bulbophyllum, Dendrobium, Sarcochilus, Caladenia, Chiloglottis, Diuris, Pterostylis, Thelymitra and all those other great Australian orchids …well, who can?
Divided into two parts, Part 1 Australian Epiphytic Orchids and Part 2 Australian Terrestrial Orchids, this handbook covers topics such as, natural habitat, orchid descriptions, orchid houses, containers and mounts, potting and potting mixes, watering, fertilizing, propagation, pests and diseases, hybrids and also includes a month by month guide to ensure you get the best results from your plants.
50 colour photographs and numerous black and white illustrations.
Paperback 96 pages