Australian Orchid Foundation



<< BACK TO PROJECT LIST Project: 261/2008 Title: Fire-induced morphological and functional differences in orchid mycorrhizal fungi.Applicant: Dr. Tien HuynhInstitute: RMIT University, Bundoora, Victoria Fire is a common phenomenon in the Australian landscape and affects flora and fauna communities, including orchids and their mycorrhizal fungi. Information on the effect of natural and simulated fires on native […]

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<< BACK TO PROJECT LIST Project: 259/2007 Title: Conservation of the nationally endangered Arachnorchis atroclavia (Black-clubbed spider orchid)Applicant: Dr. John Dearnaley (Chief Investigator)¹, Dr. Andrew Le Brocque¹, Dr. Michael Mathieson² ¹ Australian Centre for Sustainable Catchments, The University of Southern Queensland.² Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management. Institute: The University of Southern Queensland The nationally endangered “Black-clubbed

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<< BACK TO PROJECT LIST Project: 255/2006   Title: The role of pollinators and mycorrhiza in controlling distribution and speciation in Drakaea – implications for conservation management.Applicant: Dr. Ryan Phillips, Dr. Andrew Batty, Prof. Kingsley Dixon and Prof. Stephen HopperInstitute: Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority, West Perth, Western Australia   The genus Drakaea (Orchidaceae) is endemic to south-western Australia and

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<< BACK TO PROJECT LIST Project: 254/2006 Title: Support the attendance of four students at the 3rd International Orchid Conservation Conference, San Jose, Costa Rica, March 2007Applicant: Z. Smith – M.Wright – E. McQualter – K.Gowland The students supported were Zoë Smith BSc (Hons), Magali Wright BSc (Hons) and Emily McQualter BSc (Hons) from The

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<< BACK TO PROJECT LIST Project: 248/2005   Title: Propagation of fungus dependent orchid species.Applicant: Mr Les NesbittInstitute: Adelaide, South Australia   The aim was to show that the propagation methods and fungal cultures from AOF project 236/2003, ‘Practical Propagation methods for Caladenia tentaculata,’ could be used for other rarer fungus-dependent orchids. This research was to be carried

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<< BACK TO PROJECT LIST   Project: 247/2005   Title: Information and Awareness Program of the Orchids of Papua New GuineaApplicant: Mr Gary BackhouseInstitute: Melbourne, Victoria   The objectives were to undertake a field trip to Papua New Guinea to photograph wild orchids and their habitats. To prepare presentations on New Guinea’s wild orchids and

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<< BACK TO PROJECT LIST Project: 246/2005   Title: Maximising mycorrhizal activity that sustains Caladenia species in cultivation and re-introduction.Applicant: Ms. Magali Wright, BSc (Hons) PhD studentInstitute: The University of Melbourne, Victoria   The questions to be addressed were what were the effects of different intensive site management treatments on the success of direct seeding Caladenia tentaculata. This information

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<< BACK TO PROJECT LIST Project: 245/2005 Title: Fungal associations of Dipodium hamiltonianum (Yellow hyacinth orchid)Applicant: Dr. John DearnaleyInstitute: The University of Southern Queensland The conservation of the rare yellow hyacinth orchid Dipodium hamiltonianum requires identification of its fungal endophyte and the orchid’s host tree species. The aim of this project was to identify both using molecular techniques. This

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