Australian Orchid Foundation



<< BACK TO PROJECT LIST Project: 277/2010 Title: The effects of fire on the reproductive ecology of terrestrial orchids and their pollinators in fragmented landscapes of southern Australia. Researchers: The University of Adelaide.Associate Professor José Facelli (first investigator), Professor Andrew Austin (chief investigator) and Dr. Renate Faast (Postdoctoral Fellow)South Australian Museum.Associate Professor Steven Cooper (Partner […]

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<< BACK TO PROJECT LIST Project: 276/2010 Title: The roles viruses play in the decline of terrestrial orchids in Australia’s hotspot of global biodiversityApplicant: Dr. Steve WylieInstitute: Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia This project is jointly funded by the Australian Research Council, The Australian Orchid Foundation, and the WA Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority (BGPA).

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<< BACK TO PROJECT LIST Project: 275/2010 Title: Continental-scale specialisation in mycorrhiza of orchids.Applicant: Dr. Nigel SwartsInstitution: Royal Tasmanian Botanic Gardens, Queens Domain, Hobart Tasmania Australia is a world biodiversity hotspot for terrestrial orchids, yet Australia has also one of the most threatened terrestrial orchid floras with over 160 species listed on the EPBC act.

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<< BACK TO PROJECT LIST Project: 274/2010 Title: Support for the attendance of a Threatened Species Project Officer at the 1st International Conference on the Conservation and Sustainable use of Wild Plant Diversity, Chania (Crete), May 2010.Applicant: Kate VlcekInstitute: The Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria Threatened Species Project Officer Kate Vlcek was supported to

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<< BACK TO PROJECT LIST Project: 273/2010 Title: Growth Requirements and Mycorrhizal Relationships of Thelymitra epipactoides, the Metallic Sun OrchidApplicant: Dr. Noushka ReiterInstitute: The Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria The Metallic Sun Orchid (Thelymitra epipactoides) is federally endangered and all populations of this species have been experiencing population decline. Three populations of the Metallic Sun

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<< BACK TO PROJECT LIST Project: 272/2009 Title: Population dynamics and conservation of the endangered pink – lipped spider orchid Caladenia behrii.Applicant: Dr. Sophie ‘Topa’ PetitInstitute: School of Natural and Built Environments, University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes South Australia. The study of Caladenia behrii started in 2000 in South Australia; it has been following several hundred individual

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<< BACK TO PROJECT LIST Project: 271/2009 Title: Effects of fire management on population dynamics of two threatened Pterostylis (Orchidaceae) species.Applicant: Dr. Steve LeonardInstitute: School of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Tasmania Over 99% of Australian temperate lowland grasslands have been destroyed since European invasion of the continent. Many grassland plant species are currently threatened with

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<< BACK TO PROJECT LIST Project: 270/2008 Title: Seed collection and mycorrhizal isolation of targeted Tasmania orchid taxa.Applicant: Dr. Nigel SwartsInstitute: Tasmanian Seed Conservation Centre, Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens, Hobart Tasmania   Description: Tasmania has a rich and diverse orchid flora with over 200 orchid species with almost half being endemic to this small island state.

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<< BACK TO PROJECT LIST Project: 269/2008 Title: Geographical Patterns among the Pollinators of Sexually Deceptive Spider Orchids in the Genus Caladenia (Orchidaceae: Calonema) in South-Eastern Australia.Applicant: Dr. Colin C. Bower This project will involve close liaison with conservation authorities in Victoria, NSW and South Australia. It will include the Threatened Orchid Recovery Team (Victoria) and Threatened

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<< BACK TO PROJECT LIST Project: 268/2008 Title: A Review of South Australian Thelymitra of the T. pauciflora complexApplicant: Robert John BatesInstitute: State Herbarium of South Australia This project began some fifty years ago when in the late 1950’s I first began looking at these rather dull self-pollinating mostly blue flowered sun orchids near my childhood home at Mylor in

268/2008 Read More »